Frequently Asked Questions

What is the benefit for me participating?

If you decide to participate, you’ll have access to real-time air quality data from your PurpleAir™ air sensor. This data can help you make decisions to protect your health when air quality gets bad.

This is important because indoor air quality is related to respiratory health –the better the air quality, the better you breathe. We hope this information is empowering to make the best decisions for you and your family.

Why a study? Why this project? Why this team?

Climate Resilient Communities (CRC) and El Concilio are local organizations that have worked on climate and community resilience for many years. In addition, Stanford researchers have skills and experience that can help the project reach its goal. CRC, El Concilio, and Stanford have partnered together on this project with the common goal of serving communities so that they may be prepared and safe as climate events occur.

This project will use your survey responses, air quality data, and your feedback to create tools that can help decrease your risk of climate events. Your identity will be kept confidential and anonymous throughout your participation.

Where does the data collected from the app go?

Your survey responses will be sent to Sonoma Technology, the company that developed the app. Sonoma Tech receives your encrypted and confidential responses, and then will share them with researchers at Stanford. Your responses in no way can be traced to your identity and will not be shared with anyone beyond the research team.

Who do I contact about issues with the app, or other aspects of the study?

If you are having any issues with the app, please contact us at We will respond as soon as possible. If your issue requires consultation with app developers or other contractors, it may take a few days longer to respond to your query.